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Assessment Design Checklist - Part 4

In this most recent CEP 813 module, focused on racism and bias in assessments, I was excited to incorporate another assessment question and evidence to address bias. Implicit bias is an unfortunate and ongoing concern within education. I've participated in implicit bias and accessibility training, but rarely has the conversation focused on bias within assessments. With assessments being such an integral part of any learning environment, addressing bias should be a regular conversation among educators. Though my Assessment Design Checklist already includes questions that help to address bias, I wanted to incorporate one much more specific to it. A new change to my ADC document is a sixth question that asks if the assessment unfairly penalizes certain groups of students. In asking this question, I hope to remind educators that bias may exist in their assessment and it's important to regularly review the assessment for language or assumptions that may unfairly penalize certain students based on personal characteristics (race, ethnicity, gender, etc.).

I encourage you to explore my updated ADC document here: ADC 4.0

I've really enjoyed being challenged with creating an assessment design checklist and receiving feedback from a peer and my instructor. Based on the feedback I have been given, I have been able to make my assessment questions more clear and direct, and that my evidence examples used satisfies the assessment question. I tend to veer of course from what the target objective is, and it's helpful to have thoughtful feedback to make the appropriate corrections and continue my own learning process.

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