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Assessment Design Checklist - Part 3

In this final stage of developing my assessment design checklist, I am incorporating more digital contexts. My final question considers having multiple methods for students to show understanding. I found this to be important because students will arrive to the learning environment with a wide range of skills and abilities, and an assessment should take this into account. Digital tools can be used to accommodate for these variations, which is why I felt it important to include in this final question. If appropriately guided, digital tools offer students an array of options to choose from to show understanding.

Reflecting back on when I first began creating this checklist, I learned that I must be more direct with my questions and the evidenced used. At first, I was very vague and had a difficult time narrowing my ideas for the checklist. I also had a bit of self-doubt during the initial stage of this process. With the support of my instructor and peers, I was able to make the appropriate adjustments and narrow my focus, gaining some confidence in my thought process along the way. I am also finding that developing these questions and evidence has come easier with practice. When constructing my first 2 questions and supportive evidence for the checklist, I spent hours going back and forth, deleting and rewriting my work. Now I am able to generate items for this checklist with a bit more ease, trusting myself to develop effective work, which I believe comes with repeated effort.

My final assessment design checklist can be found here: ADC 3.0

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