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Assessment Design Checklist - Part 2

Since creating my first two checklist items for the Assessment Design Checklist, I have added two more questions with associated evidence. I had an opportunity to review The Power of Feedback by John Hattie and Helen Timperley, which helped further develop my thinking around effective feedback and assessment. The additional questions and evidence relate to self-regulated learning and having clearly defined goals for an assessment. I felt that these questions were important to add because they focus on student's confidence building and taking ownership of the learning process. As instructors and advisors, I believe we are helping students become independent and critical thinkers, with students having the ability to both problem solve on their own and contribute meaningful ideas to group discussion. With the additional readings, questions, and evidence added to my Assessment Design Checklist, I hope to highlight the important of these ideas.

You can access my Assessment Design Checklist by clicking here.

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